domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

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martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

The chilean culture.

Sometimes we see ourselves as understanding persons, good samaritans, happy but the thing is that Chilean people are the other way round.

We are competitive, we are always talking behind peoples back, we make fun of handicap persons and also we are so distrustful even with our own friends and family. The main reason of this factors are the society, always running fast and never looking the other.

We have serious mental problems and also how we treat people because we always treat people as instrument, and also teh society treat us like isntruments.

We are used to get everything so fast and in an easy way that we get so confused when someone tell us to do something so easy, like think. We are accomplice of a sad and sick society and we contribute to make it bigger day by day.

miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

The Scarecrow story

"The Boy with Nails in his Eyes."

Vodoo Girl

Her skin is white cloth,
and she's all sewn apart
and she has many colored pins
sticking out of her heart.

She has many different zombies
who are deeply in her trance.
She even has a zombie
who was originally from France.

But she knows she has a curse on her,
a curse she cannot win.
For if someone gets
too close to her,

the pins stick farther in.

see you

introduce yourself

My name is Matias I was born in 1988 during the dictatorship in Chile,. Now I'm 20 years old and I'm studying second year of english pedagogy at Alberto Hurtado university.

I like to play the guitar and listen to rock music. I also play in a band called Leftoreium were we play tribute songs to some of the band that he listen like Iron maiden, Black sabbath, Megadeth etc.

I love to watch movies and T.V series like Dr. House, Heroes, Juno, The pianist among others.

One of my new interests is to read, I have been reading book written by Mijail Bakunin, Franz Kafka, Or Nietzche.

I am a realistic
and I wants to be a person
who change the mind of the people
and I also want a world with equallity and oportunity.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

There are three sides to every story: Your side, my side and the truth

I personally think that in every conflict such as a war, or political conflict there are people who will never understand what is the real fact. They always are going to fight against someone for their own thoughts or beliefs.

In this movie we can see this because, there are two young persons who were chosen to fight for the rights of their country against the Israeli people.

They were chosen to be suicide boomers, but at the end one of them was confused about what he had to do. In this moment we can see that this person has free will but he doesn’t know what to do with it.

Finally he was blinded by choice, that we as hypocrite’s persons don't see.

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009

A family is this

" A family is this " by Ryan Makenzee

To be in a family like mine

Is so divine

Where love is shown

Hurt is shared

Our love for each other is never impaired

We walk

We laugh

We cry

But we are a family

And we do it all together

For as a family

We do it all as one

You hurt one

You hurt all

And as a family unit

We will all stand tall

For we are a family

A family full of strength

A family full of love

A family no one can touch

That’s why I love my family so much.

The poem that I choose which is called “A family is this” by Ryan Makenzee describes how is a family and also how must be a family, making a comparison with his own family.

He explains that in a family nothing can be hidden the love, the pain or the hurts that you feel, everything is shared because he says that they can support each other, in a few words the family is something to be and stay as one.

As an example of this in the poem says “we talk, we laugh, we cry, but we are a family and we do it all together”.

In my opinion I think that in a family it is not necessary to evolved everyone because, not always they still together as one sometimes we fight or we have some differences or even we moved away for work or we do our life, in my case I would do my life apart, and my problems do not need to affected my family, and if I choose to live alone I should face them as an adult.

The other topic in the poem is the love in the family, wich strengthen the family and, that is what helps the family to be united.

As a conclusion I think that family ties needs the family united and also needs the communication because if there isn’t too much communication the ties could be broken, and you don’t need to relate your family to your own issues because you need to fixed them by your own.

agua de annique ... come wonder

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

As I aM

Matias 20 years old, young student from english pedagogy
guitarist and vocalist
from a band called Leftorium
were we play tribute songs
to some of the band that he listen.

He also write some poems
about what he feel about his life,
his friend
his girlfriend.

He loves to watch movies or documentaries
like eternal shine of spotles mind or heima
he listen music to relax and to think, he loves chopin and iron maiden
get drug with beethoven and burzum
and he gets crazy with Megadeth and Agua de annique.

He is a realistic
he wants to be a person
who change the mind of the people
he wants a world with equallity.